For the first time after the beginning of the pandemic we, at Thalassa of Solidarity in Heraklion at the island of Crete, were able to organise with our students and volunteers a graduation ceremony for those students that followed our solidarity courses of Sewing, Greek and English language and Basic Computer literacy.

On Wednesday evening, more than 40 students, in their majority refugees, were present with their families and friends to receive attestations of the creative and learning time they have shared with us in our safe space. Lots of hugs and lots of emotions, lots of hope and ambitions for the future in their proud smiles and tears of happiness!

In parallel, there was an exhibition of the sewing creations done by the participants of the courses and a feast with falafel offered by the community.

That give us motivation to continue, together as a community of proud people in solidarity!

Thalassa of Solidarity since October 2019 develops in Heraklion Crete solidarity actions of support, information sharing and learning for the creative integration in the Greek social realities of vulnerable refugees, migrants and locals alike.At our social workshop #Amalab we offer free courses on Sewing, Greek and English languages and Computer Literacy to help the development of skills and the socialization of participants. The courses are free of charge, given by volunteers and based on solidarity actions and not on institutional funding. Our vision is to create and develop those relationships that contribute to the development of our society in one of solidarity, mutual aid and learning, creative coexistence, effective integration and respect of diversity.
Thank you all for your support!